Thursday, 15 May 2014

Top 10 Exercises to Shape-up your Hips

Many women criticize their looks saying that they are wider at the bottom and that their hips are larger in comparison to their waist. But what they fail to realize is that a little effort and right type of exercise can do wonders in toning their backs. Look no further. Here are the most effective exercises to help you get those perfect rumps.

Top 10 butt exercise
1. Jump Squats
We are familiar with the usual squats for the toned derriere, but many are not aware that adding jumps to the classic squats makes this move more effective. And here is how to do it:
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend the arms at chest level, then take a regular squat position
  • Jump with full force and try reaching the ceiling.
  • As you land, resume the original squat position, to complete one circle.
  • Repeat 4-5 times and increase the counts every day.
2. Bulgarian Split Squat
Try this with ball or a chair at the house.
  • Place your right leg on the chair while keeping the left one straight on the floor.
  • Bend the left knee. Remember to keep the foot firmly on the ground at such a distance that when you bend the left knee, it stays directly above the ankle.
  • Now straighten the left leg to resume the start position.
  • Repeat 4-5 times and increase the counts every day.
3. Pulsing Pile Squat
Another variation of the classic Squat. This particular from of squat targets the Gluteus and inner thighs.
  • Stand straight and open the legs wide to the sides and toes pointing outwards.
  • Place your hands on your hips and bend your knees. Be very slow as you bend and while bending, keep the back straight and shoulders in the line of the spine and make sure that your heels are right below your knees.
  • Now lower and raise your hips one inch for 7 - 10 repetitions.
  • As you feel comfortable doing this exercise, extend your arms straight forward and hold your position for 10 seconds at the lowest point.
4.Single Leg Hip Raise
  • Lie on your back keeping the right knee bent and left knee straight.
  • Rise the left leg until it is in line with the right thigh.
  • Push your hip upwards keeping the left leg straight.
  • Hold for 5-10 seconds and then come back to the start position slowly.
  • Switch legs and repeat 3-4 times.

5. Single arm dumbbell Swing
  • Hold a dumbbell in front of your waist at arm’s length, with a firm grip.
  • Bend your hip and knees while lowering the torso to form a 45 degree angle to the floor.
  • Now while keeping the arm straight, swing the dumbbell. As you do so, thrust your hips forward and straighten the knees and swing the dumbbell up to your chest and get back to the standing position.
  • Squat back down as you swing the weight down again, and repeat.
6. Superman Lifts
  • Lie down on your stomach and keep the legs straight.
  • Extend the arms straight with the elbows slightly bent
  • Lift your chest off the floor while keeping the neck and arms in the line of your spine.
  • Simultaneously lift he legs to a certain degree.  Hold the position for 5 - 10 seconds.
  • Note: if you experience discomfort while lifting the legs and upper body together, then do this exercise using only the upper part of the body.
7. Elbow plank with donkey kick
Planks are great for core-tightening and when one adds variations to the classic planks, these exercises can do wonders.
  • Take the classic plank position, with legs in the line of spine.
  • Bend your knee and lift the leg off the ground so that your foot faces the ceiling. Don’t let the spine or pelvis twist.
  •  Press the heel towards the ceiling as high as you can, while keeping the pelvis and spine straight.
  • Lower the bent leg slowly and repeat for 4-5 counts.
  • Switch legs and repeat 2-3 sets.

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