Thursday, 15 May 2014

The Truth Behind The 7 Minutes Workout

The famous 7 minutes workout is the latest extension of the High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), anexercise routine alternating short intense workout sessions with less intense recovery periods. It is believed that these intense workouts can improve the body’s capacity to burn fat more efficiently and gives a boost to the glucose metabolism.
7 minute workout

Though it is not a new concept, but the fact that the present generation strive for better results in comparatively lesser time, makes it more acceptable, and who does not want better results with minimal investment? The 7 minutes workout is a combination of 12 high intensity exercises, to be performed for 30 seconds each with a rest interval of 10 seconds. It has been found that many of the benefits associated with continued workouts may be achieved by doing short but the intense exercises also, and the famous 7 Minutes Workout has been publicised as one such routine.
But, Is it really the best exercise regime that will work for everyone? The answers lies in the fact that we all are different and so are our bodies and their capacities. High intensity training does help in burning fat but everyone may not be ready for it. The 7 minutes workout seems best for those who have pre-established fitness and strength. This quickie workout enables them to keep their already high fitnesslevels from sinking. While it does not apply to a sedentary person, who might collapse during the first few minutes only, as the body is not ready. Also, because of its intense character this workout is not recommended for people with history of trauma, obesity and cardiovascular disorders.
It is important to be smart and to understand the body; your target should be to burn more fat and train effectively for long lasting results. Taking on a healthy diet, good routine and proper exercise would make you feel and look great. The quick fixes may give rapid results, but trust me they seldom last.
Disclaimer: People with bone, muscle or joint problems, chronic illnesses or injuries must speak with their doctor and confirm that any exercise regime is good for them.

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